Proyectos y Servicios

The members of this NGO have extensive experience doing consulting for Private and Federal institutions about the management and study of wild animals in Mexico, the United States, South America, and East Africa. Our team has done consulting for the conservation of endangered species and management of game species.

Past projects

  • Ecology of the jaguar, ocelot and jaguarundi in northeastern Mexico
  • Ecology of margay in “El Cielo” Biosphere Reserve
  • Distribution of the ocelot and jaguarundi in northeastern Mexico and southern Texas, USA.
  • Estimation of the genetic variability of the ocelot, jaguarundi and other carnivores in Tamaulipas and Texas, USA.
  • Distribution and presence of diseases in birds of prey in the state of Tamaulipas
  • Ecology of the Mexican black bear in Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas
  • Evaluation of diseases and parasites in carnivores and their prey in northeastern Mexico
  • Ecology of the black bear in “El Cielo” Biosphere Reserve
  • Evaluation of the density of the jaguar and ocelot in the "Sierra de Tamaulipas"
  • Coordinators of the National Jaguar Census (CENJAGUAR) for Tamaulipas
  • Ecology of the African leopard in the Piti reserve in Tanzania, East Africa
  • Assessment of African lion and leopard density in the Luganzo and Rungwa reserves in Tanzania, East Africa
  • Evaluation of diseases in deer and exotic ungulates in a private reserve in Valle de Bravo, State of Mexico.
  • Evaluation of the density of the jaguar, ocelot and margay in the "Sierra Gorda" of Querétaro

Actual & Future projects

  • Evaluation of the Afircan leopard populations on diferent game reserves of Tanzania and Zambia, East Africa  Link
  • Colaboration on the ocelot project to alliviate the low genetic variability of this species in Texas, US
  • Estimation of the relative abundance and occupancy of different wild species in the Kanuku protected natural area, in British Guyana
  • Training on wildlife techniques for the Protected Areas Comission's Rangers in British Guyana
  • Leopard population density on different private reserves in South Africa
  • Small cat project in northern Panama
  • Executive presentation of Predator Conservation (Spanish) Link


Our experience is extensive including the training of Park Rangers, the capture, management, and VHF and GPS radio-telemetry of wild animals and as well as in the evaluation of the density and relative abundance of wild populations through remote sensing cameras.  We also do general evaluations of how healthy are ecosystems acordingly with the human interactions and pressure and deterioartion caused by climate change Executive Presentation (Spanish)
• Consulting and advice on wildlife management
• Courses and presentations on wildlife management and study
• Capture of wild animals
• VHF radio-telemetry
• GPS and Satellite radio-telemetry
• Health assessments of wild animal populations
• Use and analysis of data obtained with remote cameras
• Use of software for radio-telemetry, camera data analysis, (ArcGIS)
• Training of Forest Guards
• Study and training trips for students
• Professional photography and video and use of drones
© 2025, Predator Conservation, AC

